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Archive for the ‘Commercial/Industrial’ Category

A future of power outages; what happens when the lights go out?

Posted in: Commercial/Industrial Green Residential Solar on November 4th, 2014


It is impossible to imagine the modern world without electricity. We are dependent on an uninterrupted source of power and when it fails the consequences are devastating.

Over the past decade there have been 50 significant power-outage events occurring in 26 countries, and the demand for electricity continues to grow stronger with rapid population growth, compact urban areas and an ‘addiction’ to electric appliances. In their article “Exergy and the City: The Technology and Sociology of Power (Failure),” Hugh Byrd and Steve Matthewman predict that these blackouts are only a dress rehearsal for a future in which they will appear more frequently and with greater severity.

The authors highlight the frail electrical power system of the ‘privileged’ West where it is taken for granted that there will be a continued stable supply of electricity for the distant future.

Electrical power generation and distribution is more vulnerable than we might assume due to poor investment in infrastructure and many power grids operating close to capacity. Over the past 30 years, the demand for electricity has increased by 25%, while the construction of transmission faculties has fallen. It is argued that it will take large investments in electric utilities to meet future demand.

With our electrical infrastructures under threat, our dependence on electricity and our vulnerability when a blackout occurs are exposed; the economic damage of power outages and quality disturbances are estimated to cost the American economy between $25 and $180 billion per annum, although the indirect costs could be up to five times higher.

Blackouts affect the economy and our everyday lives in a number of ways. Without electricity, food provisions are compromised as a lack of refrigeration means food cannot be stored safely, leading to increased risk of food poisoning; security systems fail and the crime rate increases, as it amplifies the opportunity for fraud, theft and exploitation.

A lack of power also causes an immediate and prevalent problem for transport systems; traffic lights fail, rail systems come to a stop and air transport becomes compromised due to the loss of communications and unlit runways.

Despite a frail electrical infrastructure and the consequences of blackouts, our dependency on electricity continues to intensify, fuelled in part by consumer ‘addictions’ to electronic devices, air conditioning and, in the future electric vehicles.

Electricity demands will become even greater as our resources become constrained due to the depletion of fossil fuel, a lack of renewable energy sources, peak oil and climate change. As we become more dependent on an uninterrupted supply of electricity for our comfort, security, communication systems, transport, health and food supply…what will happen when the lights go out?

Back-up generator: Do I need one?

Posted in: Commercial/Industrial Residential on February 20th, 2014


The events of this winter seem the weather in Ontario is playing tricks on its residents. Southern Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes have been and will be severely hit by massive weather systems (polar vortex). A storm system that stretched from southern Ontario to the Atlantic Coast brought with it freezing rain, and ice which covered Toronto all the way to the Atlantic Coast.

December 2013 headlines from the CBC in the GTA read:


Inventory Sale! | Get discounts as high as 30%

Posted in: Commercial/Industrial Green Residential Solar on January 30th, 2014

sale_30_offWe are having our usual new year “Blow-Out” sale on a huge inventory of products. Each year’s sale features steep discounts and this years’ discounts are our best yet — Get discounts as high as 30%. (more…)

Benefits of Hosting a Public Charging Station

Posted in: Commercial/Industrial Green on November 4th, 2013

chargingThere are many benefits to owning or hosting a charging station, which depend on your site characteristics as well as your goals and values. For example, a retail business may host a charging station to increase customer visits and revenue, whereas a municipality may host a station for the public health benefits associated with increased EV use.

Each benefit in the following list is – or may become – available to one or more types of station host:

1) Customer Attraction and Retention, Corporate Branding:
Offering charging is a direct way to attract and retain new, EV-driving customers. In addition, many consumers believe it is important to purchase products with environmental benefits and to frequent environmentally responsible companies. Hosting a charging station is a highly visible way to state your organization’s environmental values, which may help contribute to a “green” image that attracts and retains customers who share these values.

2) User Charging and Parking Fees:
Charging-station hosts have the opportunity to generate revenue directly from people who use their services. Although the selling of electricity by non-utility organizations may be prohibited, there are various ways to collect revenue for charging, such as subscription-based, pay-per-charge, and pay for-parking systems. Using these types of systems typically requires installation of advanced EV charging products available at SRP Electric.

3) Employee Attraction and Retention:
Companies that offer charging may be able to attract and retain employees who want to charge EVs during the day. In addition, it is very important to many employees – even those who don’t drive EVs – that their employers are proactive with transportation planning.

4) Fleet Cost Savings:
An organization may want to serve its own fleet with charging stations in addition to serving the public. An EV fleet can realize substantial operating cost savings — contact SRP Electric for firm figures on this.

5) Advertising Opportunities:
Each time an EV driver visits a charging station is an opportunity to advertise to that driver. A station host could advertise its own products or services in this way or sell advertising space to another organization.

As we can see the opportunities go on — contact SRP Electric for more insights on these points and how they best suit your specific situation or business.

Contact SRP Eletric for a complete site assessment and a no obligation quick quote today!

325kW FIT rooftop Solar System Under Way

Posted in: Commercial/Industrial Solar on February 6th, 2013

325kW Fit project, advanced system design utilizing string inverters with Tigo module optimizers, off the 401 on the north side at hwy 409.

SRPE working diligently on Peterborough’s City Hall Renovations since December 2012

Posted in: Commercial/Industrial on January 20th, 2013

SRPE working diligently on Peterborough’s City Hall Renovations since December 2012
Since December of 2012 SRP Electric has being working with General contractors Stracor Inc and Center Lease Hold Improvements on renovations at Peterborough’s City Hall. The renovations are in the City Hall Chamber Council and the South Wing. These areas have been completely torn back with only one unique wood panelled wall remaining. These renovations are ongoing and expected completion is spring 2013.

Image credit: Peterborough Examiner